Minh Bau Luong, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2017
Dissertation: “Direct Numerical Simulations of the Ignition Characteristics of Hydrogen Fuel/Air Mixtures under HCCI/SCCI/RCCI Conditions” [pdf]
Current position: Lecturer, Department of Vehicle and Energy Conversion Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering (SME), Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Hae Won Seo, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2019
Dissertation: “Meso-scale Modelling of Fluid Dynamics in a Colloidal System: Monte Carlo Simulation and Lattice Boltzmann Method”
Current position: Senior researcher, POSCO Holdings

Seungook Kim, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2019
Dissertation: “Direct Numerical Simulations of Ignition Effects on Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) Systems”
Current position: Senior researcher, LG Chem

Gwang-Hyeon Yu, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2020
Dissertation: “Direct Numerical Simulations of Ignition Characteristics of a Temporally Evolving Jet under HCCI/RCCI Combustion-Relevant Conditions”
Current position: Senior researcher, Hyundai Heavy Industries

Hyun Su Bak, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2020
Dissertation: “Numerical Simulations of Strained Non-premixed Flames with Thermal Radiation: Intrinsic Flame Instabilities and Supercritical CO2 Oxy-fuel Combustion”
Current position: Senior researcher, LG Energy Solution

Jong Hak Kim, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2021
Dissertation: “A Numerical study of advanced combustion engines with low-temperature combustion (LTC) using DNS, LES and RANS”
Current position: Senior researcher, LG Energy Solution

Ki Sung Jung, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2021
Dissertation: “Flame Structure and Stabilization Characteristics of Autoignited Laminar/Turbulent Lifted Jet Flames in Heated Coflow Air”
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pukyong National University

Gyeong Taek Kim, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2022
Dissertation: “Effects of plasma on the stabilization and emission characteristics of turbulent premixed flames of CH4/air and NH3/air”
Current position: Senior researcher, POSCO Holdings

Danh Nam Nguyen, Ph.D.
UNIST, 2024
Dissertation: “Development of OpenFOAM-based Frameworks for Numerical Studies of sCO2 Combustion and Catalytic Ammonia Combustion”
Current position: Postdoctoral researcher, UNIST; Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering (SME), Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Ki Sung Jung, M.S.
UNIST, 2018
Dissertation: “A Numerical Study of the Characteristics of Autoignited Laminar Lifted Methane/Hydrogen Jet Flames in Heated Coflow Air”
Current position: Assistant Professor, Pukyong National University

Ba Reum Jung, M.S.
UNIST, 2019
Dissertation: “Pyrolysis Effect on the Stabilization Characteristics of Autoignited Dimethyl Ether Jet Flames in Heated Coflow Air”
Current position: Researcher, LG Electronics

Jin Sol Choi, M.S.
UNIST, 2019
Dissertation: “A Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Model for Colloidal Particles and Surfactant in an Evaporating Droplet with a Pinned Contact Line”
Current position: Graduate student, Penn State University

Jeong Gi Park, M.S.
UNIST, 2019
Dissertation: “Development of Three-Dimensional Parallel Code to Study the Motions of Particles in a Fluid Using Lattice Boltzmann Methods”
Current position: Researcher, LG Energy Solution

Hye Bin Shin, M.S.
UNIST, 2021
Dissertation: “A Numerical Study of the Characteristics of Autoignited Laminar Lifted Methane/Hydrogen Jet Flames in a Diluted Coflow Air”

Suhyeon Oh, M.S.
UNIST, 2021
Dissertation: “An Experimental and Numerical study of Buoyancy Effect on the Flame Stability in Nonpremixed Laminar Coflow-jets”
Current position: Graduate student, University of Southern California

Jaewon Shim, M.S.
UNIST, 2022
Dissertation: “A Numerical Study of the Ignition Characteristics of Nonpremixed Methane/Hydrogen versus Air Mixture within a Rolled-up Vortex”
Current position: Researcher, LG Electronics

Min Sung Kang, M.S.
UNIST, 2022
Dissertation: “Effect of AC electric field on flame spreading over Cu wire and effect of insulation thickness.”
Current position: Graduate student, University of Southern California