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Clean Combustion & Energy Research Lab




  • 3-D volume rendering of turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flames in heated coflow near auto-ignition limit. The coflow temperature is 750, 850, and 950 K from left to right. The stabilization mechanisms of the lifted flames are elucidated.

Turbulent lifted ethylene_air jet flame visualization

  • This is a visualization of a turbulent lifted ethylene/air jet flame in an autoignitive coflow where the particles are colored by temperature and the volume rendered is the hydroperoxy field.


  • Characteristics of the flame propagation represented by the blue color according to turbulent intensity, Case 7


  • Characteristics of the flame propagation represented by the blue color according to turbulent intensity, Case 9


  • DME cool flame heat release rate contour video for the Air temperature 600 K and 800 K


  • Convection, diffusion, and reaction budgets along the centerline with temperature profiles


  • Schematic of current and future internal combustion engine concepts: Gasoline, Diesel, and HCCI engines (from Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of 21st Transportation Fuels, 2006, DOI: 10.2172/935428)

  • Schematic of reaction pathways of n-heptane oxidation at different temperatures

  • Isocontours of participation index of controlling reactions for SCCI combustion


  • The schematic of individual developed solver for Ammonia decomposition unit processes


  • Class diagram of the surface chemistry libraries in OpenFOAM


  • Schematic of Species mass fraction, Temperature, Gauge Pressure contour of the Ammonia decomposition process in the Top-fired reformer configuration


  • Schematic of Species mass fraction, Velocity, Temperature, contour of the Ammonia decomposition process in the Particle Resolved Modeling

Cap 2019-05-30 23-22-03-308

  • (a) Flame images without and with plasma at equivalence ratio 0.90 and 0.54, (b) flame regime diagram of extension of lean blowout w/o plasma limit, and (c) the emission CO w/o plasma


  • Large eddy simulation (LES) of Gas turbine two stage combustion