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Ammonia Cracking

Hydrogen Production Through Thermal Catalytic Ammonia decomposition

The Hydrogen economy is a concept introduced a long time ago. In recent decades, the production of hydrogen from various sources, its transport and storage, and finally its use to provide energy with low emissions have been extensively investigated. Nowdays almost all the hydrogen produced comes from catalytic steam reforming of fossil fuels, mainly from natural gas, which is currently a well-established commercial technology and is the least expensive way to produce hydrogen on a large scale. Although the electrolysis of water is a well-known and established technology to produce clean and high purity hydrogen, it comprises high energy losses.

On-site ammonia decomposition has been considered as a potential candidate to alleviate the challenges of hydrogen storage and transportation by utilizing NH3 (with a high hydrogen content of 17.6 wt%) as hydrogen carrier. in addition, hydrogen production through catalytic ammonia decomposition does not produce carbon compound at all.



Types of hydrogen production processes based on production methods and whether they produce carbon dioxide

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reaction Mech_2

Reaction mechanism for the ammonia decomposition using Ru/MgO catalyst (from Takahashi et al, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.11.004)


Hydrogen Production Through Thermal Catalytic Ammonia decomposition

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  • PorousReactingFoam
    • Heat & Mass transfer inside the porous media structure
    • Dependent on the catalyst properties (thermal conductivity, particle diameter, etc..) 
  • CatalystFoam
    • Surface Chemistry at the catalyst boundary
    • Species and heat flux at the catalyst boundary are exchanged
  • PorousCatalystFoam
    • Surface Chemistry in the porous media structure
    • Heat & Mass transfer inside the porous media structure
  • MultiRegionPorousCatalyticFoam
    • Combustion (Gas phase Chemistry) for the Heat supply system & Surface Chemistry in the porous media structure
    • Radiation & Solid Heat Conduction problem are solved


The schematic of individual developed solver for Ammonia decomposition unit processes

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solver development_2


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Top burner_2Schematic of Species mass fraction, Temperature, Gauge Pressure contour of the Ammonia decomposition process in the  Top-fired reformer configuration