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- Kim J.J., Lee J.H., Cristian E.L., Hessam B., Jung K.S., and Yoo C.S., “Time-Dependent-Bases with Local CUR Decomposition Method for Turbulent Combustion Simulations”,16th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, China, Feb. 09~13, 2025.
- Kim S.H., Park J., Chung S.H., and Yoo C.S., “Dynamic behaviors of burning droplet suspended on NiCr-wire with applied AC electric field”,16th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, China, Feb. 09~13, 2025.
- Kim S.H., Park J., Chung S.H., Yoo C.S., “Dynamic behaviors droplet suspended to NiCr-wire with appiled AC electric field”, 62nd Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 25~27, 2024.
- Oh S.Y., Jung K.S., and Yoo C.S., “Numerical Investigation on Ignition Characteristics of NH3/H2 Non-Premixed Turbulent Flow”, 68th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 06~09, 2024.
- Lee H.D., Lee J.M., J. Park, S.H. Chung, C.S. Yoo, “The Study on Emission Characteristics of Ammonia/Methane Mixed Fuel under Lean Combustion Conditions in a Two-stage Swirl Combustor”, 68th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 06~09, 2024.
- Kim D.J., Oh S.Y., Park J., Chung S.H., Yoo C.S., “Liftoff Height Behaviors in Momentum-driven and Buoyancy-driven Laminar Nonpremixed Coflow Jet Flames of DME”, 68th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 06~09, 2024.
- Kim S.H., Park J., Chung S.H., Yoo C.S., “Dynamic behaviors droplet suspended to NiCr-wire with appiled AC electric field”, 68th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 06~09, 2024.
- Kim D.J., Oh S.Y., Yoo C.S., Park J., Chung S.H., “Non-monotonic Liftoff Height Behaviors in Laminar Nonpremixed Coflow Jet Flames of DME with Ambient Temperature Variation”, 40th International Symposium on Combustion, Milano, Italy, Jul. 21~26, 2024.
- Lee H.D., Kim J.H., Lee J.M., Park J., Chung S.H., Yoo C.S., “A Study on Influence of Interaction Mode in a Two-stage Swirl Combustor Using Ammonia/Methane Blended Fuel on Flame Structure and CO, NO Emissions”, 67th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, May. 23~25, 2024.
- D.J. Kim, S.Y. Oh, J. Park*, S.H. Chung, C.S. Yoo*, “Study on the nonlinear behavior mechanism of DME/N2 laminar non-premixed lifted flame under high temperature air ambiance”, 67th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, May. 23~25, 2024.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Development of an OpenFOAM-based library for surface chemistry: An application for ammonia decomposition”, 67th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, May. 23~24, 2024. [pdf]
- Hou, Y., Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of NH3/H2/Air Mixtures under RCCI Engine Conditions with Hydrogen Injection Strategy”, 67th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, May. 23~24, 2024.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Development of a New Library in OpenFOAM for Simulations of Reacting Flows with Surface Reactions”, 19th ICNC, Kyoto, Japan, May. 9~11, 2024. [pdf]
- Hou, Y., Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of NH3/H2/Air Mixtures under RCCI Marine Engine Conditions with Hydrogen Injection Strategy”, 19th ICNC, Kyoto, Japan, May. 9~11, 2024.
- Kim, J.J., Kim, S.H., Park, J., and Yoo, C.S., “Numerical Study on the Flame Structures and Edge Dynamics of DME Nonpremixed Counterflow Cool Flame”, 66th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 9~11, 2023. [pdf]
- Lee, J.M., Kim, J., Park, J., Chung, S.H., Yoo, C.S., “Combustion characteristics of a two-stage methane/ammonia co-firing model gas turbine combustor”, 15th ICCEU, Beijing, China, August 17~20, 2023.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Development of a real-fluid based OpenFOAM solver for transcritical and supercritical flows” 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), SNU Siheung, Korea, July 23~28, 2023. [pdf]
- Kim, J., Lee, J.M., Park, J., Chung, S.H., Yoo, C.S., “NOx and CO Emission Characteristics of Two-Stage Model Gas-Turbine Combustor using CH4/NH3 Blended Fuel”, 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), SNU Siheung, Korea, July 23~28, 2023.
- Oh, S.Y., and Yoo, C.S. “On the ignition characteristics of NH3/air and NH3/H2/air mixing layers in turbulent flows”, 29th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), SNU Siheung, Korea, Jul. 23~28, 2023.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., Seo, H.W., Ahn H.J., Kim, B.S., and Yoo, C.S., “The experiment and numerical investigations on hydrogen production from ammonia cracking: a priori study” 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 13~18, 2023. [pdf]
- Nguyen, D.N., and Yoo, C.S., “Development of three-feed stream steady laminar flamelet model in OpenFOAM: assessment for a reacting jet issuing into a hot and diluted coflow” 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 13~18, 2023. [pdf]
- Kim, J., Park, J., Chung, S.H., Yoo, C.S., “NOx and CO Emissions in a Two-stage Model Gas Turbine Combustor with a Blended Fuel of Methane and Ammonia”, Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 13~18, 2023.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., Seo, H.W., Ahn H.J., and Yoo, C.S., “A modified form of Takahashi’s microkinetic model for simulations of catalytic hydrogen production via ammonia decomposition” 65th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May 11~13, 2023. [pdf]
- Kim, J., Lee, J.M., Park, J., Chung, S.H., Yoo, C.S., “A Study on NOx and CO Emission Characteristics by Secondary Air Injection in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor with Methane/Ammonia Blended Fuel”, 65th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May 11~13, 2023.
- Lee, J.M., Kim, J., Park, J., Chung, S.H., Yoo, C.S., “A LES Study of Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Methane/Ammonia Premixed Flames in a Two-stage Gas Turbine Combustor”, 65th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May 11~13, 2023.
- Oh, S.Y., Jung, K.S., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the effect of a vortex on the autoignition of H2/air in a nonpremixed mixing layer”, 65th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May 11~13, 2023.
- Kim, G.T., Park, J., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Effects of H2O addition on downstream interaction in CO/O2 counterflow premixed flames”, 64th KOSCO Symposium, Busan, Korea, Nov. 10~12, 2022.
- Hou, Y., Yu, G.H., Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS study of ignition characteristics of lean NH3/H2/air mixtures under HCCI combustion conditions”, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 24~29, 2022.
- Lee, H., Lee, K.M., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Symmetry breaking on longitudinal instability in model annular gas turbine combustor”, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 24~29, 2022.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “An OpenFOAM based framework for sCO2 oxy-fuel combustion using real fluid based three feed stream steady laminar flamelet model”, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 24~29, 2022. [pdf]
- Oh, S.Y., Jung, K.S., and Yoo, C.S., “Ignition characteristics of nonpremixed H2/air mixture within a vortex with chemical explosive mode analysis”, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 24~29, 2022.
- Kim, J.H., Kang, M.S., Li. Z, M. Juddoo, A.R. Masri, Lee. K.M. and Yoo, C.S., “Local Displacement Speed and Local Consumption Speed of Fractal Turbulence Generator in V-shape Flame”, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 24~29, 2022.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., Yoo, C.S., “Development of real-fluid based three-feed stream flamelet model in OpenFOAM for sCO2 oxy-fuel combustion”, 12th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, Korea, June 22, 2022. [pdf]
- Kim, J.H., Lee, K.M. and Yoo, C.S., “A Study on Fractal V-shape Flames : Characteristics of Turbulent Flames by Mean Progress Variable”, 63rd KOSCO Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19~21, 2022.
- Nguyen, D.N., Lee, J.H., Yoo, C.S., “A real-fluid based three-feed stream flamelet model for simulations of a simplified sCO2 combustor”, 63rd KOSCO Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19~21, 2022. [pdf]
- Kim, G.T., Park, J., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Analysis of the emission gases of non-thermal plasma assisted (NH3-CH4)-air premixed flames”, 63rd KOSCO Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19~21, 2022.
- Kim, G.T., Park, J., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Downstream interaction in premixed flames of CO-O2 and (CO-H2O)-O2 mixtures”, 63rd KOSCO Symposium, Gyeongju, Korea, May 19~21, 2022.
- Kim, G.T., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., Park, J., and Yoo, C.S., “Effects of non-thermal plasma on the lean and rich blowout limits in swirl-stabilized turbulent lean and rich premixed flames of ammonia/air”, 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 5~9, 2021.
- Kang, M.S., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., Park, J., and Yoo, C.S., “Effect of the insulation thickness on flame spread over electrical Cu wire with applied AC electric field”, 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 5~9, 2021.
- Oh, O.S., Jung, K.S., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of ignition characteristics of nonpremixed H2/air mixture within a vortex with chemical explosive mode analysis”, 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 5~9, 2021.
- Kim, J.H., Lee, J.M., Hou, Y., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A LES study of the effects of ambient gaseous fuel on n-dodecane spray in dual-fuel combustion”, 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 5~9, 2021.
- Kim, G.T., Kwon, O.B., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Analysis of NOx emissions of ammonia/air premixed flames applying non-thermal plasma”, 62nd KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Nov. 11~13, 2021.
- Hou, Y., Yu, G.H., Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS study of ignition characteristics of lean NH3/H2/air mixtures under HCCI combustion conditions”, 62nd KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Nov. 11~13, 2021.
- Kang, M.S., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., Park, J., and Yoo, C.S., “Effect of insulator thickness on flame spread over electrical wire with applying AC electric fields to Cu core”, 62nd KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Nov. 11~13, 2021.
- Shim, J.W., Jung, K.S., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the ignition characteristics of CH4/H2 versus air nonpremixed flames within a rolled-up vortex”, 62nd KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Nov. 11~13, 2021.
- Jung, K.S. and Yoo, C.S., “Artificial neural network for chemical kinetics in numerical simulations of laminar nonpremixed DME/air lifted jet flame”, 62nd KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Nov. 11~13, 2021.
- Oh, S.Y., Jung, K.S. and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the ignition characteristics of nonpremixed H2/air flame within a rolled-up vortex”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021.
- Lee, J.M, Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Large eddy simulation of n-dodecane spray flame analysis: A comparative study of single and dual fuel”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021.
- Hou, Y., Yu, G.H., Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Chemical explosive mode analysis for the ignition of a lean NH3/H2/air mixture under HCCI condition”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021.
- Nguyen, D.N., Jung, K.S., Shim, J.W., and Yoo, C.S., “realGasReactingFoam: an OpenFOAM-based solver for compressible reacting flow at high pressure”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kwon, S.H., Chung, S.H., Park, J., and Yoo, C.S., “An experimental and numerical study of the stabilization and extinction characteristics of nonpremixed CH4/He versus air counterflow flames at low strain rates”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021.
- Kim, G.T., Kwon, O.B., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Optimization of the nozzle in a swirl combustor for stabilization of non-thermal plasma-induced ammonia/air premixed flames”, 61st KOSCO Symposium, Korea, May 13~15, 2021.
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Lu, T., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the stabilization of turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flames under various coflow air temperature”, 2021 KSCFE Spring Conference, Korea, May 5~6, 2021.
- Nguyen, D.N., Jung, K.S., Shim, J.W., and Yoo, C.S., “A new method to implement real gas models for thermophysicalmodels library in OpenFOAM”, 2021 KSCFE Spring Conference, Korea, May 5~6, 2021. [pdf]
- Van, K.H., Oh, S., Cha, M.S., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Effects of Schmidt number on non-monotonic liftoff height behavior in coflow-jet flames with diluted methane and ethylene”, 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, Jan. 24~29, 2021.
- Kang, M.S., Park, S.H., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Effect of core metal on flame spread and extinction for horizontal electrical wire with applied AC electric fields”, 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, Jan. 24~29, 2021.
- Oh, S.Y, Van, K.H., Jung, K.S., Yoo, C.S., Cha, M.S., Chung, S.H., and Park, J., “On the oscillating flame characteristics in nonpremixed laminar coflow-jets: An experimental and numerical study”, 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, Jan. 24~29, 2021.
- Kim, G.T., Kwon, O.B., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Effects of non-thermal plasma on ammonia combustion in model gas turbine”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Direct numerical simulations of the turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flames near the autoignition limit”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Kim, J.H., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of the effects of low reactivity fuel injection strategies on lean PRF/air/EGR mixtures combustion characteristics under direct duel fuel stratification (DDFS) conditions”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H., Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of a temporally-evolving twin n-heptane jet under RCCI conditions”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Bak, H.S., Jung, K.S., Kang, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Prediction of radiative heat transfer effect on counterflow non-premixed flames under supercritical oxy-fuel combustion conditions”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Kang, M.S., Park, S.B., Kim, G.T., Kwon, O.B., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Effect of insulator thickness on flame spread over electrical wire with applying AC electric fields to Cu-core metal”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Hou, Y.J., Kim, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the dual-fuel engine with multi-criterion adaptive mesh refinement using OpenFOAM”, 60th KOSCO Symposium, Korea, Sep. 24~26, 2020. [pdf]
- Oh, S., Van, K.H., Jung, K.S., Yoo, C.S., Chung, S.H., and Park, J., “Oscillating flame in laminar helium-diluted coflow jets”, 59th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 14~16, 2019. [pdf]
- Oh, S., Van, K.H., Yoo, C.S., Kwon, O.B., Chung, S.H., and Park, J., “Variation of liftoff height with diluents in laminar non-premixed lifted flame”, 59th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 14~16, 2019. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the characteristics of laminar lifted n-heptane jet flames in heated coflow air”, 59th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 14~16, 2019. [pdf]
- Shin, H.B., Jung, K.S., Kim, G.T., Park, J., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the coflow dilution effect on the flame characteristics of autoignited laminar lifted methane/hydrogen jet flames”, 59th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 14~16, 2019. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Bak, H.S., Nguyen, N.D., Lee, B.J., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the NOx emission characteristics of methane counterflow flame under direct-fired supercritical oxyfuel combustion condition”, 59th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 14~16, 2019. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Direct numerical simulations of the ignition of temporally evolving n-heptane jet under RCCI combustion-relevant conditions”, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan, Jul. 1~5, 2019. [pdf]
- Kim, G.T., Kim, D.M., You, H.S., Yoo, C.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Effects of non-thermal plasma on swirled premixed methane/air flames”, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan, Jul. 1~5, 2019. [pdf]
- Kim, J.H., Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS study of CH2O and H2O2 effect on the ignition of lean PRF/air mixtures under HCCI conditions”, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan, Jul. 1~5, 2019. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Jung, B.R., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of the autoignited laminar DME lifted jet flames in heated coflow air”, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan, Jul. 1~5, 2019. [pdf]
- Jang, S., Park, J., Han, S., Jung, K.S., Yoo, C.S., Kim, H.J., “A numerical study on the low limit auto-ignition temperature of syngas and modification of chemical kinetic mechanism”, 58th KOSCO Symposium, Samcheok, Korea, May 16~18, 2019.
- Jung, B.R., Jung, K.S., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Pyrolysis effect on the stabilization characteristics of autoignited dimethyl ether jet flames in hot coflow air”, 57th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 22~24, 2018. [pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Jung, K.S., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Diagnostic of combustion modes of turbulent hydrogen jet flames using chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA)”, 57th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 22~24, 2018. [pdf]
- Kim, J.H., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS study of the effect of split injection on the ignition of a lean PRF/air mixtures under DDFS conditions”, 57th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 22~24, 2018. [pdf]
- Kim, J.T., Kim, D.M., You, H.S., Yoo, C.S., Kwon, O.B., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Extension of the lean flammable limit of swirled premixed methane/air flames by non-thermal plasma”, 57th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 22~24, 2018. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Jung, B.R., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of pyrolysis effect on the laminar lifted dimethyl ether jet flames in heated coflow air”, 2018 Fall KSCFE Conference, Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 1 ~ 2, 2018.
- Xu, C., Park, J., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Lu, T.*, “Identification of premixed flame propagation modes using chemical explosive mode analysis”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug 3, 2018.
- Van, K., Jung, K.S., Yoo, C.S., Oh, S., Lee, B.J., Cha, M.S., Park, J., and Chung, S.H., “Decreasing Liftoff Height Behavior in Diluted Laminar Lifted Methane Jet Flames”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug 3, 2018.
- Kim, S.O., Jung, K.S., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Identification of turbulent H2/air jet flame stabilization modes using chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA)”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug 3, 2018.
- Kim, J.H., Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of the Effects of CH2O and H2O2 Addition on the Ignition of a Lean PRF/air Mixture under HCCI Conditions”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug 3, 2018.
- Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of the Effects of Shear Velocity on the Ignition of a Lean PRF/air Mixture with n-Heptane Stream under RCCI Conditions”, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug 3, 2018.
- Seo, H.W., Jung, N., and Yoo, C.S., “Oscillatory Dynamics of Colloidal Particles by Surfactant in an Evaporating Droplet”, 2018 Spring KSME Symposium, Busan, South Korea, May 24 ~ 25, 2018.
- Park, J.K., Jung, N., Choi, J.S., Seo, H.W., and Yoo, C.S., “A Study of the Motions of Colloidal Particles in a Drying Film Using Lattice Boltzmann Method”, 2018 Spring KSME Symposium, Busan, South Korea, May 24 ~ 25, 2018.
- Choi, J.S., Jung, N., Park, J.K., Seo, H.W., and Yoo, C.S., “A multiphase lattice Boltzmann study of droplet evaporation with a pinned contact line”, 2018 Spring KSME Symposium, Busan, South Korea, May 24 ~ 25, 2018.
- Bak, H.S., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of Flame Instability and Cell Dynamics of Opposed Nonpremixed Tubular Flames near Radiation-Induced Extinction Limit”, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Sydney, Australia, December 10 ~ 14, 2017. [pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Lee, B.J., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of the Auto-ignited Laminar Lifted Methane/Hydrogen Mixtures in Heated Co-flow Air”, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Sydney, Australia, December 10 ~ 14, 2017. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of a Lean PRF/Air Mixture with Mixing Layer under RCCI Conditions”, 55th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, Nov. 9~11, 2017.[pdf]
- Kim, J.H., Yu, G.H., Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs Study of the Effect of Additives on Coold and Thermal Flame of Lean PRF/Air Mixture under HCCI Conditions”, 55th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, Nov. 9~11, 2017.[pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of the Stabilization Mechanism of an Autoignited Laminar Methane/Hydrogen Lifted Jet Flame in Heated Coflow”, 55th KOSCO Symposium, Yeosu, Korea, Nov. 9~11, 2017.[pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis (CEMA) of Turbulent lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame Direct Numerical Simulation”, 54th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May. 18 ~20, 2017.[pdf]
- Jung, K.S., Kim, S.O., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of Characteristics of Laminar Lifted Methane/Hydrogen Flames in Heated Coflow”, 54th KOSCO Symposium, Gangneung, Korea, May. 18 ~20, 2017.[pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Sankaran, R., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of the Effects of Injection Timing on the Ignition of PRF/Air Mixture under Direct Dual Fuel Stratification (DDFS) Conditions”, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Apr. 18~21, 2017.[pdf]
- Bak, H.S. and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of flame instability and cell dynamics of opposed nonpremixed tubular flames with radiative heat loss”, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Apr. 18~21, 2017.[pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A Direct Numerical Simulation Study of Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flames with Different Coflow Air Temperature”, 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, Jeju, South Korea, Mar. 27~29, 2017.[pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H., Sankaran, R., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS study of the effects of injection timing on the ignition of PRF/air mixture under DDFS conditions “, 53rd KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Nov. 24 ~ 16, 2016.[pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Jung, K.S., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A numerical study of liftoff characteristics of laminar nonpremixed hydrogen/methane jet flames”, 53rd KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Nov. 24 ~ 26, 2016. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Ignition of a lean PRF/air mixture under RCCI/SCCI conditions: Chemical aspects”, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, South Korea, Jul. 31 ~ Aug 5, 2016.[pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Ignition of a lean PRF/air mixture under RCCI/SCCI conditions: A comparative DNS study”, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, South Korea, Jul. 31 ~ Aug 5, 2016.[pdf]
- Salehi, F., Talei, M., Hawkes, E.R., Bhagatwala, A., Chen, J.H., Yoo, C.S., and Kook, S., “Doubly conditional moment closure modelling for HCCI with temperature inhomogeneities”, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, South Korea, Jul. 31 ~ Aug 5, 2016.
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Lifted Nonpremixed Hydrogen Jet Flames near Auto-ignition Limit “, 2016 KSCFE Spring Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, May 25 ~ 27, 2016.
- Jung, N., Seo, H.W., Kim, P., and Yoo, C.S., “Self-Segregation of Binary Mixtures in a Drying Colloidal Droplet”, 2016 Spring KSME Symposium, Busan, South Korea, May 19 ~ 20, 2016.[pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Stabilization Mechanisms of Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flames with CEMA“, 52nd KOSCO Symposium, Buyeo, South Korea, May 12 ~ 14, 2016. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H, Sankaran, R., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Combustion under Two Different Pressure Conditions”, 52nd KOSCO Symposium, Buyeo, South Korea, May 12 ~ 14, 2016. [pdf]
- Bak, H.S. and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of the Flame Cell Dynamics in Opposed Nonpremixed Tubular Flames with Radiative Heat Loss”, 52nd KOSCO Symposium, Buyeo, South Korea, May 12 ~ 14, 2016. [pdf]
- Jung, N., Seo, H.W., Kim, P., and Yoo, C.S., “The effects of surfactant dynamics on deposition patterns in evaporating colloidal drops”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 14 ~ 16, 2016.[pdf]
- Jung, N., Seo, H.W., Kim, P., and Yoo, C.S., “Monte Carlo simulation of surfactant dynamics during evaporation of a colloidal drop”, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 01 ~ 03, 2016.[pdf]
- Bak, H.S. and Yoo, C.S.,”A Numerical Study of Opposed Nonpremixed Tubular Flames with Radiative Heat Loss”, 51st KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Dec. 10 ~ 12, 2015. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H, and Yoo, C.S.,”A DNS Study of RCCI Combustion – Chemical Aspects”, 51st KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Dec. 10 ~ 12, 2015. [pdf]
- Seo, H.W., Jung, N., and Yoo, C.S., “Two-dimensional characteristic boundary conditions for open boundaries in the lattice Boltzmann methods”, 2015 KSME Annual Fall Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Nov. 10 ~ 14, 2015.
- Jung, N., Seo, H.W., Kim, P., and Yoo, C.S., “The effect of surfactants on deposit patterns in evaporating colloidal droplets”, 2015 KSME Annual Fall Conference, Jeju, South Korea, Nov. 10 ~ 14, 2015.[pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Lifted Non-premixed Hydrogen Jet Flames near Auto-ignition Limit”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 ~ 22, 2015. [pdf]
- Bak, H.S., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of Diffusive-Thermal Instability of Opposed Nonpremixed Tubular Flames”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 ~ 22, 2015. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H, and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of a Lean PRF/Air Mixture under RCCI/SCCI Conditions: A Comparative Study”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 ~ 22, 2015. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H, Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of the Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture under SCCI Conditions: Chemical Aspects”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 ~ 22, 2015. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H, Luong, M.B., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of the Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture under SCCI Conditions: A Parametric Study”, 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19 ~ 22, 2015. [pdf]
- Lee, B.J., Yoo, C.S., and Im, H.G., “Near-Blowoff Dynamics of Bluff-Body-Stabilized Premixed Hydrogen/Air Flames in a Narrow Channel”, 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Rhodes, Greece, Jun. 7 ~ 11, 2015. [pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Lifted Non-premixed Hydrogen Jet Flames near Auto-ignition Limit”, 50th KOSCO Symposium, Suncheon, South Korea, May 21 ~ 23, 2015. [pdf]
- Yu, G.H, Luong, M.B., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of the Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture under SCCI Conditions: Chemical Aspects”, 50th KOSCO Symposium, Suncheon, South Korea, May 21 ~ 23, 2015. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H, and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of a Lean PRF/Air Mixture under RCCI/SCCI Conditions”, 50th KOSCO Symposium, Suncheon, South Korea, May 21 ~ 23, 2015. [pdf]
- Salehi, F., Talei, M., Hawkes, E.R., Yoo, C.S., Lucchini, T., D’Errico, G., and Kook, S., “Conditional Moment Closure Modelling for Ignition in Thermally Stratified Iso-octane/Air Mixtures”, 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 8 ~ 11, 2014.
- Park, H. and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of the Flame Cell Dynamics in Opposed Nonpremixed Tubular Configuration”, 49th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 27 ~ 29, 2014. [pdf]
- Luong, N.B., Yu, G.H., and Yoo, C.S., “DNSs of the Ignition of a Lean PRF/Air Mixture under RCC/SCCI Conditions: A Comparative Study”, 49th KOSCO Symposium, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 27 ~ 29, 2014. [pdf]
- Lee, B.J, Yoo, C.S., and Im, H.G., “Near-blowoff dynamics of bluff-body-stabilized premixed flames in a narrow channel”, 11th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, Oct. 8 ~ 10, 2014. [pdf]
- Xin, Y.X., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Law, C.K., “A DNS Study of Self-Accelerating Cylindrical Hydrogen-Air Flame with Detailed Chemistry”, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, CA, United States, Aug. 3 ~ Aug. 8, 2014.
- Salehi, F., Talei, M., Hawkes, E.R., Yoo, C.S., Lucchini, T., D’Errico, G., and Kook, S., “Conditional Moment Closure Modelling for HCCI with Temperature Inhomogeneities”, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, CA, United States, Aug. 3 ~ Aug. 8, 2014.
- Kim, S.O., Luong, M.B., Chen, J.H., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of Lean PRF/Air Mixtures with Temperature Inhomogeneities under High Pressure and Intermediate Temperature”, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, CA, United States, Aug. 3 ~ Aug. 8, 2014.
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H., Chung, S.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Direct Numerical Simulations of the Effects of NTC regime on the Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture with Temperature and Composition Inhomogeneities”, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, CA, United States, Aug. 3 ~ Aug. 8, 2014.
- Lee, B.J., Yoo, C.S., and Im, H.G., “Bloff-body Stabilized Hydrogen/Air Premixed Flames in a Micro-channel”, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, CA, United States, Aug. 3 ~ Aug. 8, 2014.
- Kim, S.O., Chen, J.H, and Yoo, C.S. “A Comparative DNS Study of Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen/Air Jet Flames near Auto-ignition Limit”, 12th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Pleasanton, CA, United States, Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 2, 2014. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B., Yu, G.H., and Yoo, C.S., “Effects of the NTC Regime on the Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture with Temperature and Composition Inhomogeneities”, 48th KOSCO Symposium, Hoengseong, South Korea, May 22 ~ 24, 2014. [pdf]
- Park, H.S., Lee, S.R., and Yoo, C.S., “A Numerical Study of the Diffusive-Thermal Instability of Nonpremixed Tubular Flames near Extinction Limit”, 48th KOSCO Symposium, Hoengseong, South Korea, May 22 ~ 24, 2014. [pdf]
- Jung, N., Yoo, C.S., and Leo, P. H., “Instability Deposit Patterns in an Evaporating Droplet”, KSME Micro/Nano Symposium, Ahnsan, South Korea, May 22 ~ 23, 2014.
- Jung, N., Yoo, C.S., and Leo, P. H., “Instability Deposit Patterns in an Evaporating Droplet”, British Council Researchers Links Workshop on Soft Matter: Analysis, Applications and Challenges, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea, March 18 ~ 21, 2014.
- Luong, M.B. and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of Lean Biodiesel/Air Mixture with Temperature and Composition Inhomogeneities”, 47th KOSCO Symposium, Busan, South Korea, Dec. 16 ~ 17, 2013. [pdf]
- Kim, S.O., Luong, M.B., and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of Lean PRF/Air Mixtures under High Pressure and Intermediate Temperature Condition”, 47th KOSCO Symposium, Busan, South Korea, Dec. 16 ~ 17, 2013. [pdf]
- Salehi, F., Talei, M., Hawkes, E.R., Yoo, C.S., Lucchini, T., D’Errico, G., and Kook, S., “Conditional Moment Closure Modelling for HCCI with Temperature Inhomogeneities”, Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium, The University Club of Western Australia, Paper C5-01, Nov. 6 ~ 8, 2013.
- Luong, M.B. and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition of Lean PRF/Air Mixtures under HCCI Conditions”, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju, South Korea, May 19 ~ 22, 2013. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S. and Chen, J.H., “Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flames in Mildly Heated Coflows”, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Gyeongju, South Korea, May 19 ~ 22, 2013. [pdf]
- Luong, M.B. and Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of Lean RPF/Air Mixtures under HCCI Conditions”, 45th KOSCO Symposium, Pohang, South Korea, Nov. 30 ~ Dec. 1, 2012. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., “Turbulent Combustion Modeling”, 2nd KOSCO Workshop, Pohang, South Korea, Aug. 22 ~ 23, 2012.
- Yoo, C.S., Luo, Z., Lu, T., Kim, H., and Chen, J.H., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of a Lean iso-Octane/Air Mixture under HCCI and SACI Conditions”, 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, Poland, Jul. 29 ~ Aug. 3, 2012.
- Arias, P.G., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Im, H.G., “Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Reacting Flows with Embedded Soled Boundaries”, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting , Dayton, OH, Paper #12S-87, Apr. 22 ~ 24, 2012. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., “A DNS Study of Ignition Characteristics of a Lean iso-Octane/Air Mixture under HCCI and SACI Conditions”, 43th KOSCO Symposium, Gyngju, South Korea, Dec. 1 ~ 2, 2011. [pdf]
- Pope, S.B., Chen, J.H., Wang, H., Yoo, C.S., and Bansal, G., “Turbulent Combustion of Future Transportation Fuels”, 2011 EFRC Summit & Forum, Washington D.C., May 25 ~ 27, 2011.
- Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Three-Dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flames in Mildly-Heated Coflows”, 13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Corfu, Greece, Apr. 27 ~ 29, 2011.
- Yoo, C.S., “Stabilization Mechanism of Turbulent Lifted Flames in Heated Coflows Using Direct Numerical Simulations”, 1st KOSCO Workshop, Tongyoung, South Korea, Feb. 21 ~ 22, 2011.
- Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “DNS of Ignition of a Lean n-Heptane/Air Mixture under HCCI Conditions”, 41st KOSCO Symposium, Yongin, South Korea, Nov. 12 ~ 13, 2010. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., Sankaran, R., Richardson, E.S., and Chen, J.H., “A DNS Study of a Turbulent Lifted Ethylene Jet Flame in Highly-Heated Coflow”, 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China, Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 5, 2010.
- Grout, R. W., Gruber, A., Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Flame Stabilization Downstream of a Transverse Fuel Jet in Cross Flow”, 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China, Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 5, 2010.
- Luo, Z., Yoo, C.S., Richardson, E.S., Chen, J.H., Law, C.K., and Lu, T., “Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis for a Turbulent Lifted Ethylene Jet Flame in Highly-Heated Coflow”, 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China, Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 5, W5P021, 2010.
- Grout, R.W., Richardson, E.S., Gruber, A., Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Filtered Density Functions from Direct Numerical Simulation of a Reactive Jet in Cross-Flow”, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, Mar. 22 ~ 27, 2010.
- Lu, T., Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “The Role of Chemical Explosive Mode in Flame”, Fall Technical Meeting, the Eastern State Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, University of Maryland College Park, Maryland, 2009. [pdf]
- Sankaran, R., Hawkes, E.R., Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Flames and the Response of Flame Speeds to Intense Turbulence”, 6th US Combustion meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Paper #31D4, May 17 ~ 20, 2009. [pdf]
- Lu, T., Wang, M., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Law, C.K., “A Mode Tracking Method for Flow Classification”, 6th US Combustion meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Paper #23D3, May 17 ~ 20, 2009. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Dissipation Layer Thickness Statistics in the Near Field of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Slot Jet Flame in Heated Coflow”, 6th US Combustion meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Poster #2P02, May 17 ~ 20, 2009.
- Yoo, C.S., Lu, T., Law, C.K., and Chen, J.H., “DNS of Ignition of a Lean Homogeneous n-Heptane/Air Mixture with Temperature Inhomogeneities at Constant Volume”, 6th US Combustion meeting in Ann Arbor, Poster #1P10, May 17 ~ 20, 2009.
- Lee, U.D., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Frank, J.H., “Effect of H2O and NO on Extinction and Re-ignition of Vortex-Perturbed Hydrogen Flames in Counterflow”, 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2 ~ 7, 2008.
- Richardson, E.S., Yoo, C.S., and Chen, J.H., “Analysis of Conditional Moment Closure Applied to Autoignitive Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame”, 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2 ~ 7, 2008.
- Yoo, C.S., Richardson, E., Sankaran, R., and Chen, J.H., “DNS of a Turbulent Lifted Ethylene/Air Jet Flame in an Auto-ignitive Coflow – Stabilization and Flame Structure”, 9th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 31 ~ Aug. 2, 2008. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H, Sankaran, R., “DNS of Stabilization of Turbulent Lifted Nonpremixed Jet Flames in Vitiated Coflow”, 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Monterey, California, Mar. 31 ~ Apr. 2, 2008.
- Lu, T., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Law, C.K., “Analysis of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen/Air Jet Flame from Direct Numerical Simulation with Computational Singular Perturbation”, 46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 7~10, 2008. [pdf]
- Lee, U.D., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Frank, J.H., “Effect of H2O and HO on extinction and re-ignition of vortex-perturbed hydrogen flames in counterflow”, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Technical Meeting, Livermore, California, Paper #07F50, Oct. 16 ~ 17, 2007. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Sankaran, R., “A 3D DNS Study of the Stabilization Mechanism of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen/Air Jet Flames in an Autoignitive Heated Coflow”, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Technical Meeting, Livermore, CA, Paper #07F57, Oct. 16 ~ 17, 2007. [pdf]
- Lignell, D., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., Sankaran, R, and Fahey, M.R., “S3D: Petascale combustion science, performance, and optimization”, NCCS Scaling Workshop, Oak Ridge, 2007.
- Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Sankaran, R., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen/Air Jet Flames in an Autoignitive Heated Coflow”, 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion in Delft, the Netherlands, 2007. [pdf]
- Sankaran, R., Hawkes, E.R., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., Lu, T., and Law, C.K., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Stationary Lean Premixed Methane-Air Flames under Intense Turbulence”, Proc. 5th US Combustion meeting in San Diego, Paper #B09, 2007. [pdf]
- Lee, U.D., Kaiser, S.A., Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Frank, J.H., “Effect of NO on Extinction and Re-ignition of Vortex-Perturbed Hydrogen Flames”, Proc. 5th US Combustion meeting in San Diego, Paper #A05, 2007. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S., Chen, J.H., and Frank, J.H., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Transient Ignition of Diluted Hydrogen versus Heated Air in Axisymmetric Counterflow”, Proc. 5thUS Combustion meeting in San Diego, Paper #A01, 2007. [pdf]
- Yoo, C.S. and Im, H.G., “Transient Soot Dynamics in Turbulent Nonpremixed Ethylene-Air Counterflow Flames”, 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, Jul. 30 ~ Aug. 4, 2006.
- Yoo, C.S. and Im, H.G., “Effect of Turbulence on Soot Formation in Strained Nonpremixed Flames”, 11th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Granada, Spain, Apr. 23 ~ 26, 2006.
- Yoo, C.S. and Im, H.G., “Transient Dynamics of Soot in Ethylene-Air Nonpremixed Counterflow Flames”, Technical Meeting of Eastern States Section of the Combust. Inst., Univ. Central Florida, Florida, Nov. 13 ~ 15, 2005.
- Yoo, C.S., Im, H.G., Wang, Y., and Trouvé, A., “Improved Navier-Stokes Characteristics Boundary Conditions for Direct Simulations of Compressible Reacting flows”, 3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2005.
- Yoo, C.S., Wang, Y., Trouvé, A., and Im, H.G., “Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions Considering Transverse Effect of Counterflow for Direct Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flows”, Proc. 4th Joint Meeting of U.S. Sections of the Combust. Inst, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar. 20 ~ 23, 2005.
- Yoo, C.S. and Im, H.G., “Transient Dynamics of Edge Flames in a Laminar Nonpremixed Hydrogen-Air Counterflow”, 30th International Symposium on Combustion, Chicago, Aug. 1 ~ 6, 2004.
- Trouvé, A., Wang, Y., Im, H.G., Yoo, C.S., Rutland, C.J., Wang, Y., Chen, J.H., Sutherland, J.C., and Mason, S.D., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion using a Fully Compressible Flow Formulation”, 10th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona, May 9 ~ 14, 2004.
- Yoo, C.S., Im, H.G., Wang, Y., and Trouvé, A., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Counterflow Ethylene-Air Flame with Soot and Radiation Models”, 10th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona, May 9 ~ 14, 2004.
- Yoo, C.S. and Im, H.G., “Soft Inflow Boundary Conditions for Direct Numerical Simulation of Compressible Reacting Flows”, 10th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona, May 9 ~ 14, 2004.
- Yoo, C.S., and Im, H.G., “Dynamics of Edge Flames in Laminar and Turbulent Nonpremixed Hydrogen-Air Counterflow”, Eastern States Section of the Combust. Inst. Technical Meeting, Oct. 26 ~ 29, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, 2003.
- Yoo, C.S., and Im, H.G., “A Computational Study on the Dynamics of Counterflow Hydrogen-Air Edge Flames”, Proc. 3rd Joint Meeting of U.S. Sections of the Combust. Inst., Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 16 ~ 19, 2003.